Karl Erik Olofsson: References
A brief selection of typical project assignments in recent years:
- Organisational restructure and competence development for Gambia Telecom.
- Development and implementation of aTraining Programme on Change Management for an incumbent telco to meet a liberalised market.
- Design a Capacity Building Project & Development Programme for the ICT Sector in Angola; Review of Sector Policy & Legal Framework; Universal Service Fund; Legal framework, structure and tasks for the regulator.
- Organisational Design and Development Plan for Start-up Mobile Operator in Belarus.
Specification of a Capacity Building Programme and Training Centre Facilities for a Ministry of Electricity, Middle East.
- Capacity building for the planning and engineering functions of Telecomunica��es de Mo�ambique
- Facilitator for the elaboration and implementation of a National ICT Policy and Government Action
Plan for Sri Lanka.
- Project Manager for development and implementation of Quality Management System and
certification according to ISO-9001 (Telia Transport Network).
- Dep. Project Manager of the implementation project for nation-wide corporate reorganisation of Telia
in 1995 - 96.
- Project Manager for strategy, system development and implementation of new CAD system for
Electrical Engineering in Volvo Group and Volvo Car.
- Feasibility study for the development of support systems for a national telecom transmission network
- Several project appraisal missions: international, regional and rural telecom networks, as well as
reconstruction projects (Uganda, Ecuador, Kashmir, Yugoslavia, Lao P.D.R. and other countries).
Other studies include: Evaluation of the institutional development of the telecom sector in Southern Africa (Team member). Seminar and workshop on institutional development of the telecom sector inTanzania. Feasibility study for improvement of services to the telecom customers in Pakistan. Plan for capacity building of Tanzania Communications Commission.
Also Various missions in Africa, Asia and Middle East as Expert and Adviser in Organisation Development, Project Management, Planning & Programming, and Training.
Counterparts world-wide have been: Ministries of PTT, Telecom Companies, both government owned and private, Telecom Regulators, Mobile Telecom Operators, Power Companies.
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keo [at] manconsult.net